Hut, Hut, Ouch! It’s that time of year that Louisiana comes alive: Football Season. Football enthusiasts all across the state gather around their televisions, venture out to sports bars and even if you are not a sports person, it’s an excuse to eat your lots of good food and enjoy...
A Workplace Injury Could Land in a New Orleans Chiropractic Clinic for Pain Management Therapy
"It is better to be careful 100 times than to get killed once." This quote from Mark Twain holds very true to those in the workforce who are at risk of injuries. Consider this little fact: 80 percent of all workplace accidents are ultimately the fault of the person...
Your New Orleans Pain Management Clinic has a Few Ways in Which People Over 50 Can Stay Fit
Life priorities change by the time you hit the age of 50. At this age, you have years of personal and professional pursuits behind you and most of you desire a life that is slower and easier. This means that physical fitness is often neglected. You see, at this age,...
Your New Orleans Pain Management Clinic Urges You to Give Pickleball a Try
Haven't heard of pickleball? We are surprised as it is the fastest growing sport sweeping America. Now, don't be fooled by the silly name because once you play, you will keep coming back for more. Though pickleball is all the rage right now, the game was actually invented in a...